What kind of man do you want to be? What kind of man does God want you to be? For four days, high school aged men, who are mature and desire to grow in holiness, will have an opportunity for prayer, recreation, small group discussion, Mass, and sports. The camp is run by priests and seminarians of the Archdiocese of Newark. Through this camp, men will explore the theme of authentic, Christian masculinity.
Legend has it that St. Peter, while walking along a road outside of Rome, fleeing arrest and certain death, he meets our risen Lord.
“Quo Vadis?” (Where are you going?) Peter asks, to which Jesus replies: “Roman vado iterum curcifugi.” I am going to Rome to be crucified again...
The end of the story, of course, is the end of Peter. He turns around and heads back toward Rome, where he would be martyred for his faith in Christ. This is the last time he would need to be redirected by Jesus.
Quo Vadis is an opportunity to examine where one’s life is going. This camp is designed to help young men understand their baptismal call to holiness and what it means to be a Christian gentleman in today's world. It is for young men who have completed 8th grade up to and including those men who have completed their senior year of high school. The four day camp will have outdoor activities, prayer, and a chance to meet other young men from all over the archdiocese.
What are the three main goals of Quo Vadis?1. To clarify and identify all the virtues men are being called to live out in Jesus Christ and to challenge young men to aspire to these attributes 2. To create a fraternity among young men so they can rely on each other as a sense of support and brotherhood 3. To create a culture of strong Christian men that is supported annually by the Quo Vadis Summer Camp
What kind of man should attend Quo Vadis?Any young man who is open to learning how he can grow in the Christian life and being challenged to mature in Christian masculinity. He should be in good health emotionally, physically, and spiritually, and should be able to relate to others in a healthy way. ​No one should be forced to attend Quo Vadis, and one should not attend if he does not posses the capacity to be open to the kinds of themes introduced or would be incapable of relating to others in a healthy and fraternal way. *Learn more about the campsite at www.campshiloh.com/
Camp Hope is a week long Catholic youth summer camp for children finishing 2nd grade through 9th grade. It is focused on summer fun, deep friendships, and a growing relationship with Christ and His Church.
Limited spaces available for those who wish to register through the Vocations Office.
For more information, parents can visit the Camp Hope website or contact us at 973-313-6190.