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Our goal is to have every parish within the Archdiocese praying for Vocations.

This initiative is a great way to involve all of the various ministries, families, and communities within your parish in building up a culture of vocations. Vocations are born in the family, in the Church community!

Behind and before every vocation. . .

is always the strong & intense prayer of someone:


a grandmother, a grandfather,
a mother, a father, a Community. . .  
                                                                    -Pope Francis

One of the best and most proven ways of fostering and increasing vocations comes at the local, parish level.  It begins with prayer! We must pray individually and as a community.

This simple program can be implemented in the various ministries of your parish, with families in their homes, and in faith formation or CCD classes.

Simply browse through the program outline here on the website and then download and print your own copies by clicking the "Download File" link below.

"God is faithful"

 1 corinthians 10:13

Feel free to use some of these in your Prayers of the Faithful

  • That our Church will be blessed with many holy priests, Let us pray to the Lord...


  • We pray that God will continue to call men from our families and friends to the priesthood. Let us pray to the Lord...


  • In thanksgiving for our priests and the many sacrifices they make, both seen and unseen – we pray that their holy example will lead others to follow Christ more deeply. Let us pray to the Lord...


  • For all those who are fearful or struggling with discerning their vocation, that the Holy Spirit will give them wisdom and peace. Let us pray to the Lord...


  • That more young people will be inspired to live out their baptismal call to holiness. Let us pray to the Lord...


  • We pray for all married couples and parents that they will encourage their children to consider a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life. Let us pray to the Lord...


  • That each one of us in our parish community will live out our vocation with joy. Let us pray to the Lord...


  • For all seminarians in formation to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Newark, that God will continue to guide them and shape them into the Holy men he is calling them to be. Let us pray to the Lord...

prayer for vocations

Almighty and eternal God,
in your unfailing love you provide
ministers for your Church.
We pray for those whom you call
to serve the Church as priests
Inspire in them a generous response.
Grant them courage and vision to
serve your people
May their lives and service call your
people to respond to the presence
of your Spirit among us
that, faithful to the Gospel and
hope of Jesus the Christ, we may:
announce glad tidings to the poor
proclaim liberty to captives,
set prisoners free
and renew the face of the earth.


Aspirancy program

Am I being called to the priesthood? Could God actually want me to be His priest? How can I know for sure?

Discernment is the process by which we find answers to some of these burning questions. 

newark Ordination

Am I being called to the priesthood? Could God actually want me to be His priest? How can I know for sure?

Discernment is the process by which we find answers to some of these burning questions. 

Newark Class 2018 231.JPG
why I want to be a priest

Am I being called to the priesthood? Could God actually want me to be His priest? How can I know for sure?

Discernment is the process by which we find answers to some of these burning questions. 

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